Marino’s essay is then followed by an article written by Antonio Byrd. Comparing and contrasting Miller’s play about witchcraft with seventeenth-century historical documents and laws, Marino calls attention to underlying economic tensions and motives, both in the seventeenth-century setting and in Miller’s twentieth-century play. Marino regards these issues as central and continuing concerns of Miller’s writings. Marino emphasizes the importance of issues of inheritance, not only in The Crucible but in several other works by Miller. Stephen Marino, for instance, looks at this work (and other works by Miller) from a historical point of view. Next, in a series of four contextual essays, the play is examined from deliberately various perspectives. The play continues to appeal to audiences through it exploration of the themes of religion, power, psychology, and love." Baker's essay is followed by a brief overview of Miller's life, written by Bryan Warren, that focuses especially on the decades immediately before and immediately following the production of The Crucible. And," he asserts, "it movingly portrays the agony of a couple that seeks to defend their relationship against tensions that would wreck their loving marriage. It dramatizes," Bake continues, "the struggles of clearly flawed people to arrive at a sense of justice that will somehow not become tainted with their own shortcomings.

authoritarian institutions seek to bend individuals to their will. The volume begins with a "flagship" essay by Christopher Baker, who aruges that the play "blends the social and religious conflicts of angst-ridden Christians with the tensions experienced in any age when powerful. The present book explores many different aspects of The Crucible, including its biographical and historical origins, its themes and techniques, and the ways it has been presented on stage, on film, and even in a noteworthy audio recording.

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